• red dress

    Looks for Valentine’s Day

    Remember in elementary school when you would pass out Valentine cards to all your classmates? I always looked forward to this because it allowed me to show off my creative abilities when it came to designing my Valentine’s Day box. It was always a hit because I would cut paper into fringe and put it on the hole where my classmates placed my Valentine cards. I did that every year – it was my signature!   I would also spend hours deciding who would get which Valentine card. I had Disney princess cards one year and I remember thinking that the people I liked would get the Ariel, Jasmine and…

  • planner

    Bloom Daily Planner

    Selecting the right planner is important. You’ll carry this item with you to classes or meetings for the entire year. You’ll write your life down in this document. Not only does it need to be functional but it also needs to be an expression of you visually.   Starting in third grade I was given an “agenda” (aka a planner) for the entire school year. My class was required to write down our homework assignments every day. I remember our teacher checking to see if we had filled everything out at the end of the week. If we had, sometimes she would star our page – I of course always…