blue light glasses

Why I’m Wearing Blue Light Glasses

Like most of us, I spend a lot of time looking at screens. I am looking at a screen nearly all day at work and I spend the majority of my evenings with the TV on. A couple months ago I kept noticing I was getting headaches at around 3 pm nearly everyday. The headaches were more of a nuisance than anything but they were affecting my quality of work. I began to wonder if these headaches were caused by digital eye strain, this prompted me to try some blue light glasses.

Where To Buy Blue Light Glasses

I did my research and considered a few options. The first I came across were LadyBoss glasses. They had a variety of style options and most of the glasses were $78. The second option I considered were Warby Parker glasses which were all close to $95. I think it’s important to note that I have never needed glasses in my life so I don’t need prescription lenses, I just wanted blue light filtering lenses. As I often do, I finished my search at Amazon where I found the glasses I purchased for $16.99 from a company called TIJN. I decided to purchase the Amazon option because I liked the style and most importantly the price. I figured I could try out the less expensive glasses and if I noticed an affect I could always purchase a better style for my face shape later.

Color Distortion 

One of the first things I noticed when I received the glasses was the color of the lenses. It isn’t always obvious, but if you really look at them you can see they have a yellowish tint. It took a few days for me to used to the tint but I don’t even notice it now. The color change is the same affect that occurs on your phone when you turn on the blue light filter. I have it setup that now between 9 pm and 8 am the blue light filter is on.

The Blue Light Test

I decided to test the glasses to see if it was really blocking light from my eyes. To do this I shined a laser pointer through the lenses. Watch the video below to see the result. I first shined the light through the glasses so you can see that the laser reaches the wall. Then I shined the light through the lens and the light no longer reaches the wall.

What I Think After Wearing Them for Two Months

I have been wearing my glasses for nearly two months and I truly believe they are working. I was having headaches nearly everyday and I have maybe had two headaches since I have been wearing them at my desk. I believe they are working so well that I decided to buy another pair; one to keep at home and one to keep at work. Wearing glasses is completely new to me so I was concerned that they weren’t going to look good. In my opinion, I think a different style may be more suited for my face but for the price these are pretty great. I really only wear these when I’m working so I don’t see a need to invest in a better pair any time soon. I also receive a ton of compliments on them! I’ve sent around the Amazon link to multiple coworkers who think they should get some as well!

Let me know if you have tried out blue light glasses and your thoughts on them.

